Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Details, Details

CANCELLED due to lack of interest

Saturday August 16
Anderson Country Club
6:30 Cocktail hour (cash bar)
7:00 Buffet Dinner

Cost: $50/person

RSVP with payment by July 25.

Pay by check or use your cc or paypal account.

To pay by check send to Jane Casey
6133 Southampton Ct.
Fort Wayne, IN 46814

To use PayPal, send payment to jccasey@iglide.net.
Please include contact information!

We will also be gathering at Mounds Park from 12:30-5:00 on Sunday. There is no cost for this, and it is bring your own picnic, games, etc. We will have some planned activities. Please let me know if you plan to come to Mounds and how many people will be with you.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Coming soon

Sorry for the silence. I've been a bit preoccupied with a wedding and getting kids ready for camp, etc.

By tomorrow afternoon I will have costs, payment info, and instructions available. I'll post them here and at Classmates and send a press release to the Herald Bulletin and Indy Star. Any other publicity options I should try?

Next week I am going to set up a chat for people who are interested in helping to further plan the evening.